Harrison County Supervisors Meeting June 6, 2024 Chairman Tony Smith called the meeting to order with members Brian Rife and John Straight in attendance. The tentative agenda was approved on a motion …


Harrison County Supervisors Meeting June 6, 2024 Chairman Tony Smith called the meeting to order with members Brian Rife and John Straight in attendance. The tentative agenda was approved on a motion by Straight, second by Rife. Motion carried. Attendance: Auditor Susan Bonham, Paul J. Rhoten, Rebecca Wilkerson, Dan Cohrs Salary Increase for Sheriff’s Office Sheriff Doiel requested a salary increase for FY25 for himself, Chief Deputy, two Sergeants at $2.40/hour and the eight deputies and one investigator at $2.88/hour due to the additional duties of covering law enforcement duties for the city of Logan. Motion to approve by Rife, second by Straight. Motion carried. Auditor Bonham requested clarification on the salary increase. Is the $2.88/hour increase before or after the already scheduled 4% salary increase and when is it effective. Rife said that the 4% was before the $2.88/hour increase and effective July 1, 2024. Law Enforcement Contracts Annual law enforcement contracts for Little Sioux, Magnolia, Modale, Mondamin, Persia and Pisgah were presented to the Board for consideration. Contract amounts are calculated at $20 per population per city and are effective July 1, 2024 thru June 30, 2025. Motion to approve by Straight, second by Rife. Motion carried. Recording Refund Recorder Felicia Geith reviewed the request from Eric J. Eide for a refund of overpayment of recording fees in the amount of $328.16. Motion to approve by Straight, second by Rife. Motion carried. C & R Drainage District The Board met as Trustees for the C & R Drainage District. Elizabeth Lenz and Michelle Kersten presented the Board with information and after discussion the following were approved: A change order in the amount of $54,320.00 due to sand in the bottom of the ditch requiring additional fill to be brought in was unanimously approved on a motion by Rife, seconded by Straight. An application for payment for Lieber Construction, Inc. in the amount of $101,823.75 was unanimously approved on a motion by Straight, seconded by Rife. A request for approval to purchase credits for mitigation of stream crossing from the USACE in the amount of $69,783.00 was unanimously approved on a motion by Rife, seconded by Straight. The Board was also informed that Rick Shearer, maintenance for the district, reported that he did not see any extensive damage in the ditches from the storms that occurred. Claims Claims, as presented, were stamped for approval. Comments Treasurer Shelia Phillips compared 2023 tax sale numbers to 2024 tax sales. 2023 stats include 495 bidders, 420 published parcels and 315 parcels to sell and 2024 stats are 191 bidders, 303 published parcels and 132 parcels to sell at this time. Office staff strives to get fewer and fewer parcels to sell at the annual tax sale and save the county publishing costs. With business of the day completed, the Board adjourned on a motion by Straight, second by Rife. Motion carried. ATTEST: Susan Bonham, Auditor Tony Smith, Chairman June 11, 2024 Chairman Tony Smith called the meeting to order with members Brian Rife and John Straight in attendance. The tentative agenda was approved on a motion by Rife, second by Straight. Motion carried. Previous minutes were approved on a motion by Rife, second by Straight. Motion carried. Attendance: Auditor Susan Bonham, Paul J. Rhoten, Rebecca Wilkerson Primary Election Results WHEREAS, the PRIMARY ELECTION was held as prescribed by law on June 4, 2024, and; WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors and ex officio Board of Canvassers have canvassed the vote of said election in accordance with §43.49 and §50.24 of the Code of Iowa, now therefore; BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that we, the undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors and ex officio Board of Canvassers of Harrison County, Iowa, do hereby certify the following TURNOUT REPORT and RESULTS in the PRIMARY ELECTION, held June 4, 2024, and that no obvious clerical errors were identified during the canvass. One thousand two hundred ninety-nine (1,299) people voted at the polls on election day. One hundred sixty-three (163) absentee ballots were accepted for counting. Zero (0) provisional ballots were accepted for counting (included in absentee total). A total of One thousand four hundred sixty-two hundred (1,462) people voted. CANDIDATES NOMINATED FOR COUNTY OFFICES: Board of Supervisors: Walter Utman (Libertarian) County Auditor: Megan Pauley Reffett (Republican), Megan Pauley Reffett (Libertarian) County Sheriff: Brandon M. Doiel (Republican), Brandon Doiel (Libertarian) County Attorney: Ashley West-Joons (Republican), Ashley West-Joons (Libertarian) COUNTY OFFICES WITHOUT A PARTY NOMINEE: Democratic Party: Board of Supervisors, County Auditor, County Sheriff, County Attorney Libertarian Party: None Republican Party: Board of Supervisors Motion to approve the election results was made by Rife, second by Straight. Motion carried. Post-Election Audit Auditor Bonham informed the Board that a post-election audit had been completed on Monday. Precinct 3 – Dunlap was selected by the Secretary of State’s office and the audit board hand counted the race for US Representative District 4. The hand-counted ballot results matched perfectly with the election night vote totals. With business of the day completed, the Board adjourned on a motion by Straight, second by Rife. Motion carried. ATTEST: Susan Bonham, Auditor Tony Smith, Chairman June 13, 2024 Chairman Tony Smith called the meeting to order with members Brian Rife and John Straight in attendance. Motion to approve the tentative agenda was made by Straight, second by Rife. Motion carried. Attendance: Auditor Susan Bonham, Paul J. Rhoten, Rebecca Wilkerson, Ben Nuzum, Steve Smith and Dan Cohrs Treasurer Treasurer Shelia Phillips presented the May bank reconciliations to the Board for review. Tax sale certificate 2023-02591 on parcel 540002035800000 was assigned to Carolyn J. Dalton Revocable Trust in the amount of $94 on a motion by Rife, second by Straight. Motion carried. Discussion took place regarding the possibility of assigning three tax sale certificates to the City of Little Sioux at a reduced rate. The Board felt the city needed to discuss and come back with a proposal. Treasurer Phillips requested additional salary increase for staff due to the diligent effort of tax collections and the upcoming additional title work that is being anticipated to bring in an additional $25,000 to $50,000 in revenues for the County. Chairman Smith thought the request was in retaliation for giving the Sheriff deputies additional salary and would not vote for her request. Rife was not in favor of additional salary increase. Auditor’s Staff Salary Request Auditor Susan Bonham informed the Board that she was stepping away from her Auditor duties and changing the job descriptions of her staff so that Megan Pauley Reffett would not have to work as many overtime hours as Auditor Bonham does currently and in the past. This does not mean that Auditor Bonham will not be in the office, but will be extensively training staff the last six months so that there will be a smooth transition. Also informed the Board that her office is open additional hours on 17 days this year due to Iowa Code requirements when the other Courthouse offices are closed and felt staff needed additional compensation. Other county employees have also received larger increases. Additional revenue has been collected to cover the increase. The Board was not in favor of the increase. Handwritten Warrant A handwritten warrant to US Bank in the amount of $5,633.97 was approved on a motion by Rife, second by Straight. Motion carried. SWITA The Board approved the Rural Transit System Joint Participation Agreement with Southwest Iowa Planning Council on a motion by Rife, second by Straight. Motion carried. Engineer County Engineer Steven Struble updated the Board on the following project: Morgan #3 Bridge on K45 North of Mondamin – Contractor poured the double-reinforced concrete patch over the new culvert in May, installed the guardrail in June and seeded, fertilized, mulched, and stitched for final erosion control, finished the shoulders, cleaned up and began moving out equipment. The road was open to traffic on Saturday, June 8th. Melody Oaks Trail was discussed. Verbal request was made to change the level C portion back to level B. Engineer Struble said that he would need an adjoining landowner of the level C portion to petition for the change back to level B. An application for permit to locate underground utility in public right of way from Mid-American Energy to install 700’ of primary service electric line by boring and encasing in 2” conduit at 2744 292nd Ave near Overton Avenue was approved on a motion by Rife, second by Straight. Motion carried. Discussion on the possibility of purchasing Motorola VHR radios on an auction to replace the current ones used by Secondary Roads when needed. No action. Comments Paul Rhoten said that Mr. Diggins said thank you for road grading on Harvard Trail. With business of the day completed, the Board adjourned on a motion by Rife, second by Straight. Motion carried. ATTEST: Susan Bonham, Auditor Tony Smith, Chairman NOTE: These minutes are as recorded by the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors and are subject to Board approval at the next regular meeting. MVTN 6-26-24 TDR 6-27-24