Harrison County Supervisors Meeting October 5, 2023 Chairman John Straight called the meeting to order with members Tony Smith and Brian Rife in attendance. The tentative agenda was approved on a …


Harrison County Supervisors Meeting October 5, 2023 Chairman John Straight called the meeting to order with members Tony Smith and Brian Rife in attendance. The tentative agenda was approved on a motion by Rife, second by Smith. Motion carried. Previous minutes were approved on a motion by Smith, second by Rife. Motion carried. Attendance: Deputy Auditor Elizabeth Lenz, Paul J. Rhoten, Rebecca Wilkerson, Steve Smith, Dave Sims, Mara Kline, Steven Struble, Wendi Barnett, and Ashley Madsen. Clerk’s Office Carpet/Paint Wendy Barnett and Ashley Madsen spoke with the Board regarding new paint and carpet in the clerk’s office on third floor. They will be getting new furniture in January and would like to have the carpet and painting done at the same time. They had an approximate cost of $10,000 to $12,000 for this project. Wendy also asked about the AED that was removed from the third floor The Board agreed that the project needed to be completed but wondered if there was any room in their budget to help cover the costs. The Board directed Ms. Barnett and Ms. Madsen to get the actual cost of the project and also to inquire with Phillip Davis regarding the AED being replaced and report back to the Board. No action was taken. Handwritten Warrant A handwritten warrant to US Bank in the amount of $13,909.19 was approved on a motion by Rife, second by Smith. Motion carried. City of Little Sioux Memorandum of Agreement An agreement between the City of Little Sioux and Harrison County was unanimously approved on a motion by Smith, seconded by Rife. This agreement allows the City of Little Sioux to burn brush and other organic yard debris at the sewer facility on land owned by Harrison County. Vacation of Alleys and Roads in the Unincorporated Town of Orson Mr. Sims spoke with the Board regarding the vacation of the alleys and roads in the unincorporated town of Orson. Mr. Sims would like them to be vacated to make it easier in the future to obtain mortgages to purchase additional land in Orson. The Board did not have a problem with the roads and alleys being vacated as long as there was no cost to the County. Mr. Sims will work with Steve Struble, Engineer, on the process of vacating the road and alleys and will report back to the Board for approval once all the steps have been completed. Engineer County Engineer Steven Struble discussed the following project updates with the Board: Jefferson #1 Bridge over Boyer River on Parker Trail – Physical review and project audit, as required, was requested to the IDOT District Local Systems Engineer. OttaSeal Asphalt Surfacing on Panora Ave – Change orders are to be signed by Astech Corp’s manager and the IDOT was emailed for the required physical review and project audit. 194th Street Bridge at Kendrick over Allen Creek – Contractor has moved in, but is still waiting for MidAmerican Energy to move their poles which cross the project diagonally. RRTC Culvert on Madrid Avenue replacing 14’ x 130’ Structural Plate CMP – Contractor has installed the RRTC culverts and is welding the two pieces of RRTC together and back-filling. FM Asphalt Resurfacing on Toledo Avenue South of Dunlap for 4.5 Miles – Waiting for the IDOT to review change orders. IDOT Fast-Track Bridge Replacement on Hwy 30 North of Woodbine, South of 155th Street – A great deal of time has been spent working with IDOT personnel and answering questions from travelers. The IDOT will reimburse the County for dust control in 10 locations for the unofficial but unavoidable rock-road detour route. On a motion by Rife, seconded by Smith, an application from Windstream Iowa Communications to install a fiber optic cable by boring in the town of Modale along and crossing under county pavements K45 and F50 was unanimously approved. McNeill Inter-County Drainage District The Board acting as Trustees for the McNeill Intercounty Drainage District approved the following: On a motion by Smith, seconded by Rife, change order No 2 for an increase of $54,864.80 was unanimously approved. On a motion by Rife, seconded by Smith, partial payment No. 5 was unanimously approved in the amount of $88,985.46. Comments Rebecca Wilkerson informed the Board about a CPR training in Dunlap. She stated that the office on first floor would work for a county attorney’s office and stated that she felt that the Board needed to be consistent; if they say no money to be taken from reserves or amended budget it should apply to every office. With business of the day completed, the Board adjourned on a motion by Rife, second by Smith. Motion carried. ATTEST: Elizabeth Lenz, Deputy Auditor John Straight, Chairman MVTN 10-11-23 TDR 10-12-23