August 9, 2023 Mayor Knickman called the regular council meeting to order on Wednesday, August 9 at 7:00pm in the Council Chambers, City Hall pursuant to law with the following council members …


August 9, 2023 Mayor Knickman called the regular council meeting to order on Wednesday, August 9 at 7:00pm in the Council Chambers, City Hall pursuant to law with the following council members present: Bonsall, Schauer; Murphy Absent: Kuhlman, Gunia. Motion by Schauer second by Bonsall to approve the agenda. All in favor, motion carried. Ava Van Houten, Sophia Malone and Hazel Gil-Flores gave a final updated to the Council about the Community Garden, they will be submitting their final report for the Silver Award to the Girl Scout Council. Gunia entered Council chambers at 7:05pm. Motion by Schauer second by Bonsall to approve minutes from July 12 Regular Council Meeting. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gunia second by Murphy to approve payment of bills. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Bonsall second by Murphy to deny Building Permits for Lindel Woodel-porch/ramp and Andrew Mitchell-Steel building. All in favor, motion carried. Meredith Van Houten gave the Fire Department report. Jill Schaben gave a report for DCDC. She let the Council know that we are working on several grants. Motion by Gunia second by Schauer to support the REAP Grant. All in favor, motion carried. She also asked them to look at different ideas for Commercial Development. Tony Warnock gave a water/sewer update to the Council. He let them know we have been having issues with the Lift Station. Paula Evans gave the library report. Meredith gave the Park Board report. We are going to advertise for the CPO position since this is Ann Behrendt’s last year at the pool. Meredith gave the Police Report. STEP will run August 18 thru September. Benjamin Schauer gave the Council his idea about the personnel committee, we will discuss it at the next meeting after everyone has time to look at it. Motion Schauer second by to approve Resolution 2023-06 Preconstruction Agreement for Primary Road Project with IDOT. All in favor, motion carried. The additional Public Works position was discussed the starting wage will be $20 an hour, it will be advertised next week. Motion by Gunia second by Murphy to adjourn at 8:04pm. All in favor, motion carried. These minutes will be approved at the next regular council meeting. Jason Knickman, Mayor Meredith Van Houten, City Clerk TDR 08-17-23