NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Board of the Boyer Valley Community School District will conduct a public hearing in the High School Board Room 1102 Iowa Ave Dunlap IA at 6:00 PM on the 15th day of …


NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Board of the Boyer Valley Community School District will conduct a public hearing in the High School Board Room 1102 Iowa Ave Dunlap IA at 6:00 PM on the 15th day of August 2022 at which place and time any person interested may appear and file objections to the proposed plans, specification form of contract and estimated total of the Boyer Valley Additions & Renovations project. The Project consists of work at the High School including an approximately 20,000 square foot gym and locker room addition and renovations in the Auditorium, Campus Care, and VOAG Classrooms. The project also includes renovations at the Elementary School in Dow City including a kitchen relocation and various classroom renovations. Bidding Documents may be examined at the High School beginning on August 11th 2022 and may be inspected by all interested parties. All interested parties are invited to attend and speak at the public hearing. Following the public hearing the Board may take action to approve the proposed plans, specifications, form of contract and estimated cost of the Project. TDR 8-11-22