Harrison County Supervisors Meeting October 31, 2024 Chairman Tony Smith called the meeting to order with members Brian Rife and John Straight in attendance. The tentative agenda was approved on a …


Harrison County Supervisors Meeting October 31, 2024 Chairman Tony Smith called the meeting to order with members Brian Rife and John Straight in attendance. The tentative agenda was approved on a motion by Straight, second by Rife. Motion carried. Previous minutes were approved on a motion by Rife, second by Straight. Motion carried. Attendance: Auditor Susan Bonham, Jack Jones, Rebecca Wilkerson, Michele Stirtz, Paul Rhoten, Bonnie Castillo, Megan Reffett Drainage 2019 FEMA Crop Damage Expenses The Board of Supervisors met as Drainage Trustees with all members present. Also present were Michelle Kersten, Drainage Clerk, and Catherine Brehmer with Iowa Homeland Security. Discussion was held regarding Soldier Valley crop damage that was caused by the 2019 FEMA flood repairs totaling $3,621.60 in cost. Cate explained she could appeal against this but doing so would cause delays to close out the final account totaling $989,741.54. After discussion, the board approved to wave the crop damage fees from FEMA and assess to the district, motion first by Rife, second by Straight, motion carried. Cate gave updates on other FEMA projects she is helping with. The board thanked her for all of her help. Handwritten Warrant A handwritten warrant to US Bank in the amount of $6,576.56 was approved on a motion by Rife, second by Straight. Motion carried. Barry Larson & Son The board approved the contract for the Courthouse Entrance project from Barry Larson & Son. Motion by Straight, Second by Rife. Motion carried. Engineer Engineer Struble gave updates on office activities and current projects. Crack filling Gee Asphalt will not be completing asphalt filling this month. They will update the start date within the next two weeks. Federal Aid Projects The Morgan #3 bridge and Jefferson #1 bridge are in the final review stages for funding. The Panora OttaSeal project is still waiting to be reviewed. Handwritten Warrant Struble asked for approval to write handwritten warrants for two new plow trucks that were purchased to replace 2 older trucks that will be sold. The board approved a handwritten warrant to Pfeiffer Machinery Sales for $33,000. Motion by Rife, Seconded by Straight. Motion carried. The board approved a handwritten warrant to RDO Truck Center Co for $75,000. Motion by Straight, Second by Rife. Motion carried. Outside trucking for Secondary Roads The board held a discussion on the use of outside trucking by the Secondary Roads Department. The Board requested that the Engineer ask for prior approval before hiring outside trucking in the future. Member Rife made a motion requiring Secondary Roads to get Board approval before hiring outside trucking. Second by Straight. Motion carried. Engineer Struble requested that they continue to use the contract trucking for two more weeks to help crews build the stockpiles before winter. The board chose not to continue with the contract trucking. Comments Auditor Bonham gave updates on early voting. County Attorney Sarah Delanty gave updates on her office and staff. With business of the day completed, the Board adjourned on a motion by Straight, second by Rife. Motion carried. ATTEST: Megan Reffett, Deputy Auditor Tony Smith, Chairman NOTE: These minutes are as recorded by the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors and are subject to Board approval at the next regular meeting. MVTN 11-6-24 TDR 11-7-24