Harrison County Supervisors Meeting August 8, 2024 Chairman Tony Smith called the meeting to order with members Brian Rife and John Straight in attendance. Motion to approve the tentative agenda was …


Harrison County Supervisors Meeting August 8, 2024 Chairman Tony Smith called the meeting to order with members Brian Rife and John Straight in attendance. Motion to approve the tentative agenda was made by Rife, second by Straight. Motion carried. Motion to approve the minutes from August 1, 2024 was made by Rife, second by Straight. Motion carried. Attendance: Deputy Auditor Elizabeth Lenz, Paul J. Rhoten, Rebecca Wilkerson, Ashley West-Joons, County Attorney, Keith Tucker, Attorney (by Zoom), Sarah Delanty, Attorney, Shelia Phillips, Treasurer, Michelle Stirtz, and Dave Geise and Lacey Ardery. Introductions Ashley West-Joons introduced to the Board Mr. Keith Tucker, Attorney Mills County interested in becoming Harrison County’s drainage attorney and Sarah Delanty, Attorney, interested in becoming the replacement for Ms. West-Joons for the county attorney position. Pisgah Gas Station Ron Woodward, former Mayor of the City of Pisgah, spoke with the Board regarding the demolition of the gas station in the city. When Mr. Woodward was the Mayor of Pisgah, the Board agreed to demolish the gas station and turn the property over to the City. At the last meeting, the Board discussed turning the station over as is. Discussion was held regarding the liabilities of the County if the Secondary Roads department removed the station. Mr. Struble also stated that he did not feel comfortable asking one of his employees to complete such a project. The Board asked if a contractor could be found to remove the building with Secondary Roads providing the trucks to haul the debris. Mr. Struble stated that he would be able to find a contractor and supply the trucking. After speaking with Mr. Woodward and Mr. Struble, and realizing that the Board had already committed to demolishing the station, the Board, on a motion by Rife, seconded by Straight, unanimously approved and directed Mr. Struble to have the gas station demolished by a contractor with debris removal being done by Secondary Roads. It was stated by the Board, that they hoped the City would retain the property. Employee Payout Lacey Ardery, Public Health, updated the Board on office happenings and presented them with a payout claim for Lacey Michel in the amount of $1,979.25 for unused personal and vacation time. On a motion by Rife, seconded by Straight, the payout for $1,979.25 for Lacey Michel was unanimously approved. Handwritten Warrant A handwritten warrant to US Bank in the amount of $7,199.36 was approved on a motion by Straight, second by Rife. Motion carried. Engineer County Engineer Steve Struble met with the Board and gave the following project updates: FM asphalt Resurfacing on L34/Overton Avenue south of Logan – Harris Grove Creek to Pot County – Rock shouldering and pavement marking was completed except for some stop bars that will be completed soon. Crack Filing and Asphaltic Surface Treatment – Quotes being finished this week. HMA Asphalt Overlay on L20 South of Mo Valley to Pott Co Line – Progress is being made on the environmental clearance needed. Preliminary historical and archaeological review has been requested. Mr. Struble requested a motion from the Board to set the FY2025 wage increase for office staff to 4%, equal to the Secondary Roads Union increase. The Board was not willing to entertain the motion at this time. Mr. Struble stated that he would be placing it on the agenda again. Comments Comments were heard from Paul Rhoten regarding the Pisgah gas station and from Rebecca Wilkerson regarding the Law Enforcement Appreciation Dinner this evening and the salaries for foreman in the Secondary Roads Department. With business of the day competed, the Board adjourned on a motion by Straight, second by Rife. Motion carried. ATTEST: Elizabeth Lenz, Deputy Auditor Tony Smith, Chairman NOTE: These minutes are as recorded by the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors and are subject to Board approval at the next regular meeting. MVTN 8-14-24 TDR 8-15-24