Boyer Valley schools start district-wide Friday

Open houses were held Tuesday


With Boyer Valley students heading back to class on Friday and open houses being held districtwide this past Tuesday, here's a comprehensive look at the Boyer Valley school calendar for the 2024-25 school year.

Important academic dates

First day of school: Aug. 23 (early out)

End of first quarter: Oct. 25

End of second quarter/first semester: Dec. 20

Beginning of third quarter/second semester: Jan. 6

End of third quarter: March 14

Graduation: May 11

End of fourth quarter/second semester: May 20

Holiday breaks

Labor Day: Sept. 2

Thanksgiving: Nov. 27–29

Winter break: Dec. 23–Jan. 3

Spring break: Feb. 21–24

Memorial Day: May 26 (only applicable for staff)

Early dismissals

Aug. 23 (first day)

Aug. 26

Nov. 26

Dec. 20

May 20 (last day barring potential snow days)

Late start days (class begins at 10:15 a.m.)

Sept. 18

Oct. 9

Nov. 13

Dec. 11

Jan. 22

Feb. 12

March 12

April 9

Parent-teacher conferences

Oct. 17 (no school)

March 27

Professional development days for staff

Sept. 30

Oct. 21

Dec. 2

Jan. 3

Feb. 25

March 17

April 22

May 19, 20, 21

Other no school days

Oct. 18

March 28

April 18

April 21

A full school calendar can be found on the district's website.