On Thursday, Feb. 2, American Legion Posts 224 and 444 celebrated two local 5th graders in the Iowa 5th Grade Flag Essay Contest. Dow City Post 444’s winner, Lane Martins (third from left), has moved on to the American Legion State of Iowa contest. Dunlap Post 224’s winner, Charlie Follman
(second from left), has moved on to the American Legion District contest. They are pictured with Doyle Siglin, Commander of Post 444 (left), Jen Miller, Commander of Post 224 (second from right), and a representative from the 8th American Legion District (far right).
Courtesy of Jen Miller
Charlie Follman is presented with his award by American Legion Post 224 Commander Jen Miller. Follman is the son of Amanda and Ryan Stinn.
Courtesy of Jen Miller
Lane Martins (middle) poses with his check alongside (from left) American Legion Post 444 Commander Doyle Siglin, his mother Jeni Martins, father Mike Martins, and a representative from the American Legion 8th District.